Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Green Lantern's Light

The garden received it's official signage today. Whoo-hoo!!!

I, along with Jonathan, set up everything for the garden.

For those geeks that heart comics (me included), there is a superhero symbol in the garden that happened by accident. So, then the question became: Which G.L. is the official guardian of the garden?

Is it Hal? Nah.

Definitely NOT Gardner! Although his name fits best. ;o)

I really like John Stewart, but...

I ended up settling on Ch'p, 'cause he's too cute for school!

hee, hee!

On to other plant-like news. I also helped a bit this morning with the planting of the downtown pots in Bowling Green.

Check them out, if you're heading down to Bowling Green!
They always fill them with beautiful plants and flowers.

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